Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Table of Contents: The Catastrophist

Author: Lawrence Douglas
Publisher/Year: Other Press, 2006
Synopsis: Meet Daniel Wellington: art historian, academic star, devoted husband, and total basket case. Although Daniel has known nothing but success, he’s convinced the future promises nothing but disaster. When his wife, known simply as R., presents him with a tiny, size-XXS Yale sweatshirt, Daniel is seized by the impulse to bolt; the specter of imminent fatherhood sends him into a full-blown existential crisis. Soon this well-intentioned young professor finds himself plotting bigamy, lying about his past, imagining his pregnant wife in the arms of an androgynous grad student, and explaining to the dean his obscene e-mail to the lead in a student production of Miss Julie.

What Others Have To Say:

The New York Times
"With material [this] fresh, why saddle yourself with a mopey protagonist in his underwear in a seedy apartment, eating Fruit Loops all alone?"

Entertainment Weekly
"That we enjoy the company of this walking disaster is a tribute to Douglas' witty prose; that we love R. — practical, attractive, and shrewd — can be chalked up to the author's bedrock understanding of what constitutes an appealing human being."

America Psychiatric Association
"... winner and too witty and haunting a tale to be thought of as summer reading."

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