I bake banana bread every month or so, whenever I happen to have fresh, very ripe bananas lying around. I've been trying to find some different recipes than just the basic one I've used for years. It is an awesome recipe but like to have some variety in the freezer for lunches and snacks.
I came across a recipe for a cinnamon banana bread, and thought I'd give it a try. It was a bit of a challenge, as the batter was dense to work with even before I got to adding all the flour. Also a bit problematic was halving the dough, then layering with the cinnamon and sugar and then adding the rest. Dense doesn't always make for a pliable product.

It turned it alright, though I won't try this recipe again. The swirl part comes from combining 1/4cup sugar with 1tsp cinnamon, which seemed off to me in proportions. I halved the sugar, as that is a lot of sugar and put in more cinnamon. It tastes good but am going to continue looking for more banana bread recipes. If you have any, pass along!
*Eventually I will get a new phone--I have to--and this weekly entry will become more than cooking and baking. Maybe. ;-)
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